Training Courses

Practical tools to help you speak up, raise your profile in meetings and group situations and succeed at work as an introvert.
The tools and skills you learn will be relevant in both a face to face or virtual environment.
Full day - Available online
This course provides a space for you to consider assertiveness and how it is affected by gender stereotypes. You’ll learn how to project confidence and develop resilience that will help you accomplish more in your career.
Full day
An overview of practical simple tools to help you cope with the demands and pressures at work
Half day - Available online
Improve your effectiveness and navigate the challenges of working in a virtual world
Half day
Renew your self-motivation and rediscover your enthusiasm at work.
Half day
Using the ‘tricks of the trade,’ this course will equip those who are new to virtual presenting with a complete toolkit of the knowledge and skills needed. Presenting virtually uses many of the skills of face-to-face presentations but there are additional techniques you’ll need to master.
All you need to know to transform your communication skills can be gained at this engaging and interactive workshop event.
Full day
Practical tools to help you become more assertive at work.
Half day
Practical tools to help you realise your potential, map out your vision, and bring more resilience into your life.
Half day
Go from ‘good’ to ‘great’ with your presentations at work.
Full day
An in-depth look and the personal application of practical simple tools to help you cope with demands and pressures at work
Full day
A powerful alternative to trying to manage stress
Half day - Available online
AI is rapidly transforming the business landscape.
Full day
As a director are you always confident that you really understand the financial implications of your strategic decisions?
Full day - Available online
This practical and interactive training course will enable you to be more financially pro-active in your current role.
Full day
Understand the causes of inflation, find out the true effect of inflation on your company’s bottom line and learn about the practical solutions that can be applied to help deal with high inflation.
Half day
A fun and engaging finance ‘refresher’ workshop for non-finance managers
Full day
