1. Role model the kind of culture you want to have
Make sure that influential people in the organisation (including those at the top of the hierarchy) role model the kind of culture you want.
2. Tell Stories
The best way to communicate the desired culture is by telling stories about people bringing the culture to life. One good story is worth a hundred policy documents. Each story must illustrate the way living the culture leads to organisational success.
3. Small easy actions
Have everyone in the organisation take small easy actions in the direction of the desired culture.
4. Rewards and penalties
People will usually do more of the things they are rewarded for and less of the things they are punished for. Make sure the people who role model the desired culture are promoted, get the best projects and are rewarded in whatever way is meaningful to them. Make sure that people who violate the culture are given clear and powerful feedback on how to change. If they do not, remove them from the organisation – even if they deliver good short term results.
5. Align systems and processes
Make sure your formal organisational processes support the kind of culture you want to develop. If you want a customer focused culture, don't force front line staff to seek permission from senior managers for everything they do. If you want a culture of innovation don't make staff accountable for every minute of time they spend at work. If you want a results driven culture make sure that you measure and reward the right results.