Leading Diverse Teams


Diverse teams come with great benefits; if organisational leaders are willing to tap into diverse perspectives, they can benefit greatly from the creativity, innovation and diverse customer base that comes from embracing diversity. However, leading diverse teams also comes with unique challenges.

What does it take to lead effective, innovative, motivated, and inclusive teams? What does it mean to be an inclusive leader? This leadership workshop has been designed to enable leaders adapt the skills required to lead highly motivated diverse teams where everyone feels a sense of belonging in the workplace.

Your ability to develop your emotional intelligence as a leader sharpens your adaptability to different views, personalities, and behaviours without losing your sense of self. In the 21st century, businesses need agile leaders who are relational and heavily focused on tapping into individual strengths within their teams.

The workshop aims to support leaders, who are keen to promote diversity and inclusion, embrace mindset shifts necessary in building trust, demonstrating empathy, and acting with integrity.

If you are looking to lead a highly motivated team that embraces varying perspectives with openness, curiosity, and courage, then this course is for you.

What you'll learn

At the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand what it means to embrace diversity – with awareness of different forms of diversity; including but not limited to the protected characteristics, culture, neurodiversity, working styles and motivational factors.
  • Recognise the challenges of underrepresented groups – their lived experiences and areas you can support and alleviate frustrations.
  • Master the cycle of awareness in staying attuned to self and others and adapting your leader-ship style to positively influence, motivate, and create highly supportive and effective teams (understanding where treating everyone the same does not necessarily foster inclusivity).
  • Boost your confidence in leading diverse and inclusive teams, with an invested balance between empathy and challenge.
  • Gain credibility, influence, and impact as an inspirational leader

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